Bill Morrison (art director), "Godfellas" episode of Futurama, 2002
(July 6) You Can Heal Your Life contains Heal Your Body, as probably do most of Louise Hay’s books, which I didn’t realize till I bought both. :} But I don’t mind investing in a guru.This does not contradict Abraham-Hicks thinking -- but it seems to offer different routes to finding feelings of happiness which are perfectly in keeping with A-H, yet different. More general, and more “your mind controls everything anyway”... A-H is more about reducing resistance (although they do recommend fantasizing everything into place)... well, whatever… they are different, but mutually inclusive.
I think Hay even kind of answers the question of why there is the resistance… something that has always nagged at me and is still not perfectly clear as a context, even with Hay’s explanations of early deep-seated grudges. Why do we go for grudge-bearing?
It’s like A-H, her thinking, but it’s a little more woo-woo somehow. It’s definitely complementary, though. It’s like: A-H tells you to get rid of resistance, but Hay knows exactly what your resistance is and gives you a way to get rid of it permanently.
She has definitely focused on physical health more than anything and I thought at first she was appealing a little more directly to the victim point of view… but I realize from reading her that I do have a victim point of view, to my surprise.
How did I come to this book? I saw the movie enthusiastically recommended by a trusted blogger and got it out of the library (had to wait a long while since it was in heavy demand). The movie made me want to read her books, and I bought them, I was in such a hurry.
[The episode of Futurama illustrated above contained a godhead figure who was the wisest, most benevolent godhead figure you could ever imagine.]