Elisaveta Sivas, Love and Friendship, 2018
(April 11) A blogger I like raved about this book and this author, so I flagged all the Colleen Hoovers at the library and read this, my first sample, on a trip to NYC. The blogger had warned that it was about love and romance and that it had steamy scenes, but I didn’t realize it would be all pretty much that. I mean, it’s a realistic portrayal of how two people in a relationship will turn love into hate through misunderstanding and misinterpretation... but the husband is hopelessly unrealistic in his wonderfulness and there’s a lot of sappiness.
“Cute but sappy” was my first (and only) note on this book... because it was well done in a lot of ways but it’s a subject and a genre (really, really soft porn?) that’s kind of teenagery for me.
I have quickly unflagged all the Colleen Hoovers on my waiting list, and I will now be cautious about other authors recommended by the blogger in question (whose food, fashion, decor and lifestyle advice is always great).