Monday, December 01, 2008

Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, Stephenie Meyer

Edward Burne-Jones, Love Among the Ruins
(November 28, November 30, December 9, December 14) I read Twilight to find out what all the fuss was about the movie, and then I could not stop. The books are, as many have noted, like crack cocaine.

The detox program is over at Cleolinda Jones’ recaps.

Sample of Twilight in Fifteen Minutes:

EDWARD: Hello. Please... allow me to introduce... myself. I am... Edward Cullen.

BELLA: Where were you all week? And why were you such a jerk?

EDWARD: I had to... go. Somewhere. For reasons totally unrelated to wanting to kill you.

BELLA: Did you get contacts while you were somewhere? Last week your eyes were black, and this week they are golden melted topaz butterscotch.

EDWARD: *stares, turns around, leaves*

Twilight is basically Seventeenth Summer meets Jane Eyre meets the X-Men ... a weird and unique little creation that hooks you in, fair and square. The sequels, on the other hand, are a whole different kettle of unputdownable fish.

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