Sunday, July 31, 2016

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear, Elizabeth Gilbert

Elisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun, Self-Portrait, 1790
(September 22) I’ll never forget how much I liked Eat, Love, Pray, mostly because I went into it thinking I would be sneering and catcalling the whole way. But it was great, and I loved EG’s writing style.

Nevertheless, I forgot all about her for about six years, till a week or two ago when there stories about her interesting relationship with Rayya Elias.

Two recent Gilbert titles mentioned in these stories, The Signature of All Things and Big Magic, came to me from the library almost immediately; I started reading Big Magic first, and just inhaled it, finishing it off in two and half days.

I liked this book a lot because it is about the writing process, and EG likes thinking about the writing process as much as I do.

She has a really interesting theory about creativity and inspiration that I’m not sure I buy into totally, but what’s enchanting about it is that it’s compatible with Abraham-Hicks doctrine and even kind of supports A-H stuff in little micro ways that give me shivers when I see them from this perspective.

She is giving advice to would-be writers, and you can see the genesis of the book -- “Hey, Liz, you’re a big mega-successful writer now -- how about a how-to guide for the jillions of people who think they could have a career like yours???”

And she probably said -- YASSSSSS! ...because it’s obvious she likes this topic and she probably felt she had a lot of new stuff to add to it, because she really does.

The artwork above is meant to illustrate a talented Elizsabeth demonstrating what she does in the form she uses to do it.

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