Friday, May 31, 2019

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, Taylor Jenkins Reid

DigitalDraft, Fashion Art Print
(June 12) I liked it a lot... interesting story about a writer getting the scoop of a lifetime for reasons that really supercharge the book’s ending, quite the unique plot twist, so very enjoyable in that way... but there were some editing issues: the tale is set partially in the ’50s and ’60s, the high-glamour age of Hollywood... a time popular with Millennials recently (and I believe Taylor Jenkins Reid is a Millennial)... but there are tiny anachronisms throughout... e.g., they did not have “dirty martinis” in 1962 or 1965 (p. 222); jeans were not called “high-waisted” in 1967... I can’t remember if hip-huggers were invented by 1967, but they would have been the only departure from regular jeans available in stores (p. 236)... and so on and so on... there was sincere regard for the looks and styles of the times, but how come Taylor Jenkins Reid’s editors didn’t catch these things???

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