Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, J.K. Rowling

Peter Carl Fabergé, Peacock Egg
(July 28) I really liked it. I think Rowling did a great job with this series. I was never disappointed by any of the installments.

I’m impressed that Rowling was able to keep each new book true to the general structure and pacing of the first one, and yet amp up the drama each time out. She rose to the challenge again this time and created quite the rollercoaster ride -- doubly impressive, given that she could basically just phone it in by now if she wanted to.

I had successfully avoided hearing about the ending in advance, so I was able to thrill to every cliffhanger and climactic moment Rowling threw at us, not sure what she would dare to do. But the ending was exactly what I wanted all along, and what readers of the first six books should expect. Deathly Hallows is a very generous and respectful farewell to the series.

1 comment:

Susan W. said...

The Potter books remind me a little of Fabergé eggs -- an ongoing series of enchanting jewel/toys similar in shape and intention, but each one decorated uniquely with different gems and precious materials and each containing a distinctive “surprise.” The eggs and the Potter series are each a law unto themselves. Both are rich, ornate, otherworldly, but also light-hearted. They both straddle the border between craftsmanship and fine art. They both contain a satisfying amount of jewelry. Both are worth a hell of a lot of money.